Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My advice to you.

One of the hardest parts of life is moving on. Either from a loved one passing away, a best friend leaving for good, the love of your life saying good bye for the last time. It's hard. This week I did something bad, and I regret it. But I can't take it back. Now, I had to say good bye to the guy I honestly loved with everything in me. He can't even look at me and I don't blame him; I can't even look at my self.
  With in two weeks everything stopped. Everything disappeared. This is one of the worst feelings possible.
Have you ever been in love? He has gave back all my stuff: my notes, my drawings, the monkey I gave him for his birthday, my bracelet he took. The worst part is he won't take back his: his multiple jackets, his shirts, his necklaces, everything. Constant reminder of the best relationship I ever had, that I screwed up.
  A year and a half we have been together, and I murdered it. Being human means messing up and losing people. In life you will lose people you love and you will gain people, you will say hello and good bye. No matter what life throws at you remember to never give up on the people you love. Also, sometimes moving on is the best thing you can do. I've learned it hurts at first but it will get better. Enjoy every moment you have with that special person as if it is your last; it may very well be.

That is my advice to you.

-C. Mace Bishop

Monday, March 18, 2013

Dear little me.

I was thinking a while back, what if I could go back in time and tell younger me something. What would I tell middle school Charity?
I thought for a good while about this subject. I thought about how people would act towards me. I thought about how I took it. I thought about how I felt, and how I was bullied through middle school, and still some now. But if I was to go back in time, could I have changed what is happening now? Would a certain thing that I am dealing with right now never happened? If I could go back right now and change what is happening, would I? Probably not. But that's not the point. If I could, what would I say to middle school Charity?
  I suppose I would have to start at the beginning of middle school. Sixth grade Charity was completely innocent. Even though she knew nothing about anything, she had some major trust issues and insecurities. Seventh grade Charity started to be less insecure; she wanted attention more than anything though. She had this thing for a guy named Nathan, who she called waffles. They were friends, she likes to believe, until  he moved. She started straightening her hair and wearing a crap load of makeup. Eighth grade Charity grew out of the ground over summer. Her hair was long, blond, with colors in it. She wore so much makeup. She didn't know anything about love and was heart broken over stupid things. She wouldn't give the guy of her dream the chance of day, and then when she finally did, he changed; not for the good.

   Dear Charity,
You're in Sixth grade now. Just remember you're beautiful. Stay strong okay? Stop wanting to grow up! You will grow up one day, and it isn't as great as you want to believe. Julie, Carley, Tina, Vance, all those people you want to believe are there for you won't be soon. Don't leave your guard down, babes. You're a kid. Stop worrying about not being "pretty enough". You're a puffy hair freak, but one day there will be someone who will look back at them pictures and say "awh. You were cute." Don't stress about your first kiss. You'll get it in two years; it's not that great.
  Seventh grade. Stop trying to impress people. Stop caring about waffles. Trust me, he isn't worth it. He's going to move away, don't be heart broken about it. K, babe? If people don't like you for who you are then you don't need them. I took me awhile to get that. Stop making your hair poofy and straight. It isn't cute. You will finally learn in Tenth grade that you like your curly hair better.
 Eighth grade. Stop dating guys just because you can. Just, stop. By the way, your first boyfriend will be Wyatt Braun. Just stay clear of him. Actually, don't. You need to date him. Just know he is going to break up with you in text to go out with his ex girlfriend. Yeah. I know why you hate her. It's fine. She hasn't gone anywhere in life yet. You will meet the guy of your dreams at a dance. He will stalk you and Sam. Oh, Lilli. Stay away from her too. But the guy of your dreams is named Zavier. He will be amazing. But in your 10th grade year he will change. He will cause something to happen in your life that will make you have to make the hardest decisions ever. He loved you, he really did. But in his defence, you changed too. You just changed for the better. I promise.
Stop being mean. But don't stop taking up for your self. You stopped in ninth grade and everyone started to push you around again. Stay nice. Don't worry about the future. Everything is okay here.
Sincerely, Older you.

What would you tell your younger self? What mistakes have you made that you regret?

Friday, March 15, 2013

A wish is a dream your heart makes.

What's your favorite Disney movie? There are so many! From under the sea to up in the clouds.
My favorite Disney movie would have to be either "The little mermaid", "Hercules", "Beauty and the beast" or "Aladdin". I love the perfect, epic, heroic romance and the faithful, strong, handsome prince; but the songs are my favorite. My favorite Disney song is from "The little mermaid", part of your world. I audition for a lot of my plays with this song. But what has Disney movies taught us? 
1. You don't have to be just like the person you are in love with, in fact different is good.
2. Be who you are. People may not like that, but NEVER change.
3. Mothers know best...Sometimes.
4. Everyone deserves a little fun.
5. Your prince will not always come to you, sometimes you have to go to him.
6. Sing with strangers is wrong. Unless you've met them before in a dream.
7. Beauty isn't everything. You must love the beast above to love the prince underneath.
8. Being smart is pretty. Reading is attractive. 
9. Don't beg for attention. Sometimes, if you're the quiet girl the whole town will sing about you.
10. You can go the distance.
11. Finding you self is the most important thing you will ever do in your life.
12. Rich clothes doesn't make a beautiful person.
13. If you believe in something, it will come true.
14. Everything and everyone should be treated with care, and respect
15. The funny thing about rivers is that you can't step in the same river twice. The waters always changing always turning.
16. A wish is a dream your heart makes.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hey there sexual;3 Wanna know a secret?

It's been about two weeks since I started this blog for Mrs.Mccabes class.
Three blogs later and you know nothing about me.
prepare to be INFORMED!

You may know me from all the many dramas I have been in. *hehe* But I highly doubt that.
Acting is my passion. There is nothing quite like being on stage with the lights shining down on your face. Everyones attention towards you as you sing that song or say those lines you have been working on for months. Nothing like the exhilarating feeling when you walk out on stage for the first time or when you are walking off the stage as everyone claps and yells.

On another note, I am 16 years of age. My birthday is August 30th. My sign is "Virgo".
My favorite animal is pandas, monkeys, and I find sloths Insanely ugly, yet cute. I have two amazing parents, Leslie Bishop and Troy Bishop. They are so supportive, and I'm grateful. My dad has taken me to most all of my auditions: Grease, Doc doc goose, etc. Including "Americas got talent" Or AGT; it took nine hours to get through the line, to the actually audition. It was a cold, rainy, winter day and on top of that we had to stand out side for two hours. We met some friends, an older lady named Charlotte who was auditioning as well, and her husband; they were very nice. We stayed together until the end and when she auditioned I was amazed with her voice; It was beautiful.

You see, I have these friends right? They are perfection. I didn't know how many friends I really have until this week. They support me and love me, which means so much to me. This week has been hard for me.
My boyfriend being a jerk, and some other things going on. Thank you Trace, Sam, Kristen, Megan, Garrett, Dillon, and Brianna. You guys are amazing.

 Time is almost done.
I suppose I will let you go, and I will tell you more later!

                                          Oh, and I'm in love with doctor who.<3

Thursday, March 7, 2013

So, you had a bad day?

This week has been all in all terrible so far. Not sure if it was the fact that my boy friend is sick or how people are exasperating me to no end, but it’s been horrid. I don’t know why girls think its “okay” to impose on a relationship, to cause the girl to be completely insecure and worried because she knows exactly how females can be, exactly how that female can be.

 What is worse is that guys don’t even get it. “She’s just being nice” he says. “She thinks of me as a friend!” he says. Guys don’t understand that being in a relationship won’t make her not flirt. If a girl wants something, or someone, she will get it! Any who, besides the constant attempt to push Charity to her limits, it doesn't help that I have no friends to support me.

On the bright side I have fount a great hair conditioning treatment. With something as simple and cheap as olive oil. Maybe I'll post a "How to.." sometime.

Today is Thursday, the only good thing about this week is that I'm going to go get my new phone tomorrow. Yay!

I never use to let things bother me. Never was I jealous, never. Now it seems like that is all I am. I guess we all have those bad days? I still don't know what exactly I am going to do with this blog. Maybe a beauty thing. I'm nothing near beautiful, but I do know some secrets. I've been "aiming" for beauty since I looked in the mirror and seen a blonde haired little girl with poofy short hair and baby food green, eyes.

Maybe I should tell you about my self? I suppose you need to know about your little blogger. Looking back at me from a far, there is a lot about me I could tell.

Well, I since I figure someone out there is having a bad day like yours truly...
Here is a picture of a sloth.
This is how I feel half the time...

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Within Roxanne's thoughts

Christian is so very elegant; his poetry makes my heart stop in mid-beat. How I do love him so, his very name grasps my attention so noble like that I am left breathless at his thought. His words are so unique and poetic that my mind flutters away and my eyes begin to feel moist. I honestly don’t know what I would do with out him. I would rather die.
  I’m so pleased to be able to call him my husband. I hope he is careful. As for Cyrano, I do wish he’d be vigilant. He’s perfect; I do love him. He’s my best friend. Cyrano thinks he’s immortal, that he can not die or be injured; but how wrong he is. He’s so very quarrelsome. I know, he’s fought off one hundred men! But that’s nothing. That doesn’t escape the fact he is the first to start a fight. I hope they are both careful.